
Minggu, 03 Januari 2016


Tolerance Define Tolerance at Dictionary. tolerance tol·er·ance (tŏl'ərəns) n. Decreased responsiveness to a stimulus, especially over a period of continued exposure. The capacity to absorb a drug

Tolerance Define Tolerance at Dictionary. tolerance tol·er·ance (tŏl'ərəns) n. Decreased responsiveness to a stimulus, especially over a period of continued exposure. The capacity to absorb a drug

Tolerance Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tolerance or toleration is the state of tolerating, or putting up with, conditionally. Engineering tolerance, permissible limit(s) of variation in an object

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Quotes About Tolerance (368 quotes). 368 quotes have been tagged as tolerance George Carlin ‘Religion is like a pair of shoes..Find one that fits for you, but don't make me wear your sh

Tolerance definition of tolerance by Medical dictionary. tolerance [tol´erans] 1. the ability to bear something potentially difficult. 2. the ability to endure unusually large doses of a poison or toxin. 3. drug tolerance

Drug tolerance Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Drug tolerance is a pharmacology concept where a subject's reaction to a specific drug and concentration of the drug is reduced followed repeated use, requiring an

Tolerance Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tolerance or toleration is the state of tolerating, or putting up with, conditionally. Engineering tolerance, permissible limit(s) of variation in an object

Quotes About Tolerance (368 quotes). 368 quotes have been tagged as tolerance George Carlin ‘Religion is like a pair of shoes..Find one that fits for you, but don't make me wear your sh

Tolerance Definition of Tolerance by MerriamWebster. a tolerance for other lifestyles. The plants have a high tolerance for heat. Some patients gradually develop a tolerance for the drug and need to be given a larger dose.

Teaching Tolerance. Welcome to the Teaching Tolerance blog, a place where educators who care about diversity, equity and justice can find news, suggestions, conversation and support.

tolerance Dictionary Definition Vocabulary. When you practice tolerance, you accept another's ideas and beliefs. If you respect someone's opinions even if you disagree or find them nonsensical you

Tolerance definition of tolerance by Medical dictionary. tolerance [tol´erans] 1. the ability to bear something potentially difficult. 2. the ability to endure unusually large doses of a poison or toxin. 3. drug tolerance

Tolerance Beyond Intractability. Tolerance is the appreciation of diversity and the ability to live and let others live. It is the ability to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards those

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